Friday 22 May 2015

End of Module Evaluation- Extended Practice/ OUGD603

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I think throughout this module I have explored a lot of new and different areas of design, I think that in most of the briefs I have completed them to a high level and I am pleased with the work I have produced. My digital design skills have vastly improved and I think that this is evident in the amount I have produced and the level of detail within them. I have worked in quite a few collaborations and I feel that the last one was the most successful I think the more collaborative briefs I did the more I was confident in getting the work done and producing good visuals. I also think in comparison to last year I have learnt to push myself more and to not take shortcuts, almost every brief I have produced I have followed it through right until the end and my photography of my work in preparation to present has come a long way. I have used this to present work for other purposes such as online and for my portfolio and I think that photographing final work in the best way possible makes the piece look even better.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I feel that my knowledge of Photoshop has increased again and I feel that I am able to use this software now with a higher level of knowledge. I think that my production and craft of final work has also improved by practicing with mockups and prototypes, I think it made the final pieces much more considered and they look and feel more realistic.
I have been a lot more digital based this module and I have tried to push my digital design skills, this is the majority of the reason why my Photoshop skills have improved, but I also feel that working in this way has improved my knowledge of appropriate formats and file types and I think that this has helped me because I didn’t have as many problems as in previous modules.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I know that I have a strong sense of layout and I will continue to capitalize on this skill by creating well-designed pieces of print and digital in my career.
I also know that I am good at sourcing and selecting imagery for pieces and I will continue to use this skill to my advantage to produce strong visual pieces and concepts.
Another strength of mine is my awareness of type, as in font selection and kerning I feel that especially in the last few months I have focused more and more on this and it has been appreciated and recognized by potential employers that this is a skill of mine that is continually improving, as well as this things that I have designed such as logos containing type have benefitted greatly from being kerned properly. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I think that a weakness of my practice is that I get distracted by new briefs and then this leads to me not being fully motivated on the original brief and so I feel that some of my briefs would have been better by extending them, however I do feel that the work is reasoned and that it is easy to get see where the brief could go.
I also think that I might have spent too much time in other modules and looking at life beyond university and not put my most attention at times into this module and I do feel that if I had of done this I would have had more briefs to submit, however if I had taken attention away from other things then I might not have done or be doing as well in them and so this is a balance I don’t think I was always right with.

5. Identify things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

If I was to go back and do the module again I would firstly write out every brief on a brief sheet so that I wouldn’t of had to have remembered over the past week, as well as this I would of tried to of developed my design boards at the time I had finished the brief by adding the research and development to the story of the project originally and this would of perhaps given me some more time. I think that I would of spent more time on this module in general to produce at least one more brief from the list I had originally planned out.
I think that I should have blogged more often rather than leaving it until the end of the project which is more daunting and it takes time to source out imagery and think about what had been done, although I do feel that this element of the module had improved a lot since previous modules.

Quantity of Work Produced-4
Quality of Work Produced-4
Contribution to the Group-4